* Install A root file explorer and RAR for android app.
* Make a new folder in SD card and name it bootanimation .
* Make another folder named images inside bootanimation and download and put images that you wish to put ( Note - The images you want to put should preferably have the same resolution as your phone. Say mine is 720x1280 )
*Now come out of images folder and inside the boot animation folder, make a new txt(text) file named desc.txt . Now open it and add the following accordingly -
" Your phones resolution "(format :breadth height) frame rate
" p " " number of times images in current folder should execute before going to next folder if any " " time in seconds to wait before going to next folder if any " " name of folder containing images "
" p " " number of times images in current folder should execute before going to next folder if any " " time in seconds to wait before going to next folder if any " " name of folder containing images "
For eg: my phone is having resolution 720x1280 and I want to put a slideshow like boot animation of the four images... So I need the slideshow to be slow... So I will put frame rate as 1. But if you are doing many alterations of the same image which will make an animation, you should put frame rate value as 30 or above.
so my desk.txt will be like :
720 1280 1
p 0 0 images
720 1280 1
p 0 0 images
* Now open RAR for android and goto bootanimation folder. Select the desc.txt file and images folder. Now press on the archive icon (first icon in top right). Now select zip option and in advanced option and select compression method as store only.
* Now open file explorer app and go to boot animation folder. There will be a . copy it .
* Now goto your phone's system folder. There will be a folder named media. Open it. There will be a file. Rename that file and paste the previously copied file here.
* Now change the permissions of the pasted file to rwx rwx rwx .
( in es file explorer, open file properties and change permissions )
( in es file explorer, open file properties and change permissions )
* That's it. You are done. Reboot and enjoy.